Ryan Heckert, CEO, 330-479-3958
TWi Prepares for Future Growth
Stark County, OH – The Workshops Inc. (TWi), is giving people with disabilities more opportunities through its new structure and programming. TWi separated from the Stark County Board of Developmental Disabilities (Stark DD) in July and now is operating from a new headquarters and four community service locations.
“We are bringing robust services to participants, including job training and employment, adult-day programs and residential support,” says Ryan Heckert, CEO. “Our participants have access to more opportunities, employers gain a reliable workforce and our community becomes stronger through our approach to inclusion.”
Heckert says TWi, a nonprofit organization, has grown significantly in the three years leading up to this change both in staff size and the number of participants served.
The TWi headquarters moved from the Whipple Dale Center to 4065 Bradley Circle in Canton. It operates four community locations: TWi West at 7891 Hills & Dales Road in Canton; TWi South at 3041 Cleveland Avenue South in Canton; TWi Causeway at 2912 Whipple Avenue in Canton; and TWi Just Imagine Gift Gallery at 201 6th Street in Canton.
“Many former Stark DD staff members came with us during this transition, which provided continuity to our participants,” says Heckert. “We continue to explore, plan and offer new programs that focus on helping people grow and reach their potential. We are living out our mission to challenge status quo, foster unexpected growth and build a legacy of compassion.”
To learn more about the new TWi, visit